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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

Coursera Specialization Courses

Coursera Specialization Courses 

Dear Learner

“Learning Never exhausts the mind!”

In today’s day and age, one needs to have an appetite for continual learning. With the world changing at a rapid pace, it has become imperative that you upskill yourself. Bridging the digital divide in India, Infosys Springboard is delighted to offer you Specializations in partnership with Coursera for FREE*.


  • If you are from an engineering background or are interested in learning technology, you can select the Tech Specializations.
  • The Non-Tech specialization is a soft skill course and can be selected by any learner.
  • It takes at least 2 months to complete any of these courses. Therefore, each learner can select only one course. The last date to complete the course is March 31, 2023.

Refer to the attached excel sheet for details of each specialization.


If you are interested in any of these specializations, click on the button below and fill in the form to provide the necessary details. Last day to submit the form is January 27, 2023.

Click and fill the form

We look forward to your nomination!

* Your nominations will be considered on a first-come-first-serve basis. Limited licenses. Hurry up!

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Team Infosys Springboard


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Designed & Developed By Rakesh Dongarwar