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Ph.D. Research center
Click here for the Ph.D. Ordinance of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati
Click For Ph.D. Admission Notification 2022-23
पीएच.डी. नोंदणी व कार्यवाही संदर्भात विद्यापीठ नियम व माहितीसाठी क्लिक करा
Being university affiliated college; the research center activities are governed and monitored by the University Ph. D. Cell and Research and Recognition Committee of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. The SSJAS Mahavidyalaya requires its teachers and students to abide by the highest standards of integrity in their conduct of all the academic research and activities, it include the following:
The research students registered to our Research Center and faculty members engaged in various research activities should be in tune with the needs and problems of the community at local, national and international level and their research outcomes should address these issues.
The guidelines of Animal Ethics Committee should be followed strictly while the Research projects involving human and animal participants for research.
For biological and chemicals Researches the Health and Hazard Safety guidelines should be followed strictly.
The Research students shall be responsible for independent thinking and providing of clear references to all sources consulted in their Research work. The research student must conduct his/her research activities according to the plan and instructions given by the Research Supervisor. Disregarding to the Research supervisor or the authority is a serious issue and may lead to disciplinary action.
The Research Supervisor shall be responsible to provide guidance and support regarding concern academic skills to the students in all the aspects of Research.
Plagiarism is prohibited in all its forms. . Plagiarism takes many forms viz. passing someone else’s paper as one’s own, copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of others’ work without due acknowledgement, and claiming credit for others’ research work.
Every research student should make use of plagiarism checker software as and when needed in his/ her Research. Some of them are-
* Plagiarism Checker ( )
* Quetext (
* Duplichecker (
* Edubirdie (
* PlagScan (
Important: Please make it clear that the violation of the rules and other issues/ complaints regarding plagiarism will lead to disciplinary action to be imposed by the Research Center.
Our College is committed to produce and promote the research of the highest order, unadulterated with plagiarism and other unethical practices amongst its research students and Research Supervisors to ensure clean ethical research environment amongst them, we have adopted research monitoring system through Research committee. The main objectives are:
* To promote clean research culture amongst the faculty members and research students.
* To promote ethical practices in research by the faculty members and research students.
* To make an environment conducive to conduct high quality original research work by the faculty members and research students.
* To check originality and utility of the research proposals sent to different funding agencies if any, by the faculty members and research students.
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