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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

The Department of ENGLISH

Dept. of  ENGLISH

Click for YouTube Channel for English by Dr Bhanudas Somatkar

Programmes Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)
B.A. I, II, and III (Compulsory English)
1. Basic knowledge of English as Language.
2. Major knowledge of English as Literature.
3. Basic knowledge of English Grammar.
4. Critical study of English Literary studies.
5. Relation between pleasure of literature and real life.
Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.A.I, B.A.II and B. A. III (Compulsory English)
By completion of this course, students will able
1. To develop writing skills.
2. To develop speaking skills.
3. To develop listening skills.
4. To develop reading skills.
5. To understand grammatical items and the skills related to it.
B.A.I, B.A.II & B.A.III (English Literature)
Course Outcomes
To enable the students--
1. to gain Enjoyment of literature
2. to derive the Pleasure of literacy forms such as novel, poem, play, and essay.
3. to comprehend the Critical understanding of literature.
4. to relate literature and real life.
5. to understand Emotional development of human mind.
Programme outcomes
1. Grammar and communication skills focus on enhancing students’ competence and confidence.
2. It facilitates the introspection and deep thinking of getting English knowledge.
3. The communication skills teaches students how to draft letters, to write Cv etc.
4. A thorough knowledge of these concepts will enhance students’ job readiness.
5. Proficiency and excellent communication skills in English enhance students’ employability.
Programme Specific Outcomes
1. To comprehend literary text of ancient and modern literature written by great writers of English.
2. Literary Criticism: To acquire good knowledge with regard to the analysis of critical frameworks and methodologies for better interpretation of literature.
3. English literature for competitive examination: To be acquainted with glossary of literary terms.
4. Awareness about Culture and History: To enable students come  about culture and history. They come to know cultural tradition and can explain in their historical contexts.
5. Critical Insight: Reading help students for gaining a critical insight about the reality.    


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