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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

E-Resources @N-LIST

E-Resources @N-LIST

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Subscribed e-Journals and e-Books

The Consortium subscribes to the following resources for the colleges. All electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are available from the publisher's website.

E-Journals (Fulltext)

 American Institute of Physics [18 titles]

 Annual Reviews [33 titles]

 Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title] Alternate Link

 Indian Journals [180+ titles]

 Institute of Physics [46 titles]

 JSTOR [2500+ titles]

 Oxford University Press [262 titles]

 Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles]

 H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles]

 Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016)



 Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles]

 E-brary [185000+ titles]

 EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles]

 Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles]

 Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books [382+ titles]

 Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles]

 Springer eBooks [2300 titles]

 Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles]

 Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles]

 Myilibrary-McGraw Hill [1124 titles]

 South Asia Archive [through NDL]

 World e-Books Library [Now Available through NDL only]


Temporary Credentials

Due to technical reasons, the earlier authentication methods are not working for accessing the following two resources. So, N-LIST temporary username and password has been setup for accessing the following resources. Now use this temporary username and password on publisher's website for accessing full-text. For other resources, authentication method remains unchanged.

Indian Journals [180+ title]

Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title]


Library (Knowledge Resource Center)

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