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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)




(Women Empowerment Cell, College Complaints Committee)

Date of Establishment 15-08-2014


Arts & Science Mahila Mahavidyalay is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation and intimidation. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex/gender. Sexual harassment has come to be widely condemned as a form of human rights violation and as an infringement on life and liberty as defined by the Constitution of India.

The Scope of this cell will be physical premises under the supervision of the College, and the areas where Staff and Students travel to as part of their academic work as members of the College. The jurisdiction will include field trips, sports tournaments, conferences, college festivals and all other activities undertaken.


Definition of Woman Grievance :

Sexual harassment in this context, (as delivered by the Supreme Court Judgment under section 2 (n) of Act 2013), includes any unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whether directly or by implication and includes physical contact and advances, a demand or request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography and other unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Objectives of the Cell:

  • To prevent sexual harassment and to promote the general well being of female students/employees of the Institute.
  • To provide the healthy and safe environment in the Institute for the female students/employees.
  • To provide guidelines for the redressal of grievances related to sexual harassment of female students/employees of the institution.


Complaint procedure:

Any female who wants to file a complaint can do so by writing an application to the Chairperson of WGRC. In case of Sexual harassment the complainant shall include the specific nature of the incident, date and the place of the incident, name of all parties involved as well as a detailed report of all pertinent facts.

A member who feels that she has been harassed is strongly urged to immediately bring the subject to the attention of a member Women’s Redressal Committee. Inquiries and/or complaints will be investigated as quickly as possible. Any investigation will be conducted in confidential manner as compatible with a thorough investigation of the complaints.


Any member found to have harassed another member or guest will be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedure action, including reprimands, suspension or termination of membership. A person committing sexual harassment may also be held legally liable for his or her actions under applicable law. Institute will endeavour to protect members, to the extent possible, from reported harassment by non-members such as from invited guest, hosting organization, vendors and other parties who have organizational contact with our members.


Complaint and Redressal mechanism:

Complaint of  harassment will be promptly and carefully investigated and Investigation will include interview with all relevant persons, including the aggrieved and other potential witnesses in the case of sexual harassment and decision on grievances to be taken at a fairly senior level.

After hearing of complaints, the committee shall take appropriate decision and then same is communicated to the complainant if required. If any student filing a complaint is not satisfied

with the decision of the committee then she can make appeal before the Director of the Institution. A women grievance redressal committee shall take rational decisions to discharge its duties/responsibilities for a smooth and efficient functioning of the Institute and to monitor, or the overall discipline.

Punishment for Sexual harassment:

Harassment shall subject the accused to disciplinary action up to and including expelling from Institute. However, if in fact it is determined through the course of investigation, that the incident and thus the accusation were fabricated, the complainant will face severe disciplinary action up to and including expelling from the Institution as per the prevailing rules of the Government sexual harassment policy.

Sr No    Name of Member                                                                          

1             Prof. Sau. V.R. More (CHAIRPERSON)

2             Prof. B.W. Somatkar

3             Smt. M.B. Dakhore

4             Shri. P.B. Patil

5             Sau. S.S. Khandelwal

6             Adv. Sau. N.V. Kenwadkar

7             Ku. V.B. Bodkhe


Minutes of Meeting:








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