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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

The Department of Botany

Department of Botany

The Department of Botany established from the beginning of the college, since 2011. Presently, it has been conducting the graduate course (B.Sc.). There are Two full time faculty members Dr.D.S.Pawar and Mr.S.S.Gawali working in the department The main objective of the department is to provide the facility for detail learning about the plants life. The 3 year B.Sc. course is conducted as per the curriculum provided by Sant Gadage Baba Amravati University, Amravati.

The departmental Laboratory is well equipped with all the necessary equipments, class work material, chemicals, glassware. The laboratory has capacity of 25 students seating at a time. The department is able to conduct the basic research in Plant Taxonomy, Mycology, Plant Phyiology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, and Cytology.

For the research work, the equipments like Digital pH meter, Hot water Bath, Micro-pipette, Dissecting Microscope, Compound Medical Microscope, Stereoscopic Microscope, Electrophoresis Unit, Centrifuge Machine, Autoclave, Laboratory instruments are available in Departmental Laboratory.

Apart from the regular black board teaching, the modern & innovative teaching aids like Digital Projector, are used to simplify the curriculum to the students of department.   Also for the field knowledge, the short & long tours are organized regularly & as per the syllabus. The ‘Plant of the Day’ activity is run by the department for knowing the common & economically important plants present around the place. Through this student participation activity, the potted Medicinal plant garden is developed by Botany department. In this garden more than 40 plant species, specifically.

The students are also involved in participation in state level Avishkar Research Competition. Also the departmental faculty gives the suggestion regarding the crop improvement, plant disease control measures to adjoining farmers.



  •  To establish and to be recognized as a department of high standard in teaching and learning of recent plant science based approaches and to enhance chances of employability of students. 
  • The continued well being of the common man through a study of plant sciences.


  • To know the importance and scope of Botany.
  • To impart knowledge of science as the basic objective of education.
  • To develop a scientific attitude to make students open minded, critical and curious.
  • To expose themselves to the diversity amongst life forms.
  • To make aware of natural resources and environment and the importance of conversing it.
  • To apply conventional and non-conventional tools to understand plant process.
  • To develop human resource with expertise in frontier areas of plant sciences.
  • To establish collaboration with eminent institutes for betterment of the students.


Click for Botany Syllabus Prescribed by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati

B.Sc. I st Year          B.Sc. II nd  Year               B.Sc. III rd Year


Click here for the Syllabus of Value Added Course in “MEDICINAL PLANTS”


Click for the Photo Gallary of Botany Department

Program Outcomes:

Bachelor of Science:

PO 1. The B. Sc. Programme develops scientific temperament and attitude among the science graduates.

PO 2. The qualities of a science – observation, precision, analytical mind, logical thinking, clarity of thought and expression, systematic approach, qualitative and quantitative decision making are enlarged.

PO 3. The program also empowers the graduates to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate programme of their choice .

PO 4. This programme train the learners to extract information, formulate and solve problems in a systematic and logical manner.

PO 5. This programme enables the learners to perform the jobs in diverse fields such as science, engineering, industries, survey, education, banking, development-planning, business, public service, self business etc. efficiently.



Program Specific Outcomes

1. Identifying different resources helpful for human life.

2. Identifying different groups of plants

3. Acquiring knowledge about inheritance, biochemical and metabolic activities.

4. Development of horticultural skill.

5. Acquiring knowledge about importance of environment.


Course Outcomes B.Sc I Sem- I Diversity and applications of microbes and cryptogams. (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.)

1 Developing interest in plant diversity.

2 Developing skill of identification of Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes.

3 Creating interest in biological industry.


B.Sc –I SEM-II- Gymnosperm, Angiosperm and utilization of plants

1. Economic and biological importance of Gymnosperm.

2. Inculcating identification skills for morphological and anatomical characteristics

3. Developing the interest of flowering plants

4. Diversity in vascular plant.

5. Characters of vascular plants and classification of plants.

6. External & internal characters of plants.

7. Acquiring basic knowledge about biochemical, physiological mechanism in


8. Imparting knowledge of Horticulture.


B.Sc –II SEM- III -Diversity in vascular plants. B.Sc –II Paper IV -

Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms and Anatomy.

The student can understand the knowledge about


B.Sc –I Paper IV- Cytology, Genetics and utilization of plants.

B.Sc –II PaperVIII- Cytogenetic and utilization of plants.

Students should be able to know

1. Structure of cell.

2. Types of organisms and characteristics.

3. History, distribution, structure and functions of different cell organelles,

4. Transmission of character

5. Mendelism.

6. Resource of plants to fulfill the basic needs.

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