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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

Department of MICROBIOLOGY

The Department offers three year’s full time under graduate degree program leading to the award of B.Sc degree. The Department has the expert teachers having a wide and vast teaching, research and industrial experience in the field of Microbiology, Microbial Technology, Microbial Techniques, Molecular Microbiology, Medical Microbiology and Microbial Enzymology etc. The Department enables students to develop an ability to design, conduct the experiments as per university syllabus and interpret the results into appropriate inferences. The instrumental, laboratory infrastructure enables students to have hands on training and rich stores supplies the necessities for experimentation. The alumni graduated from the department pursue higher education in various universities and colleges offering post graduation in Microbiology, work in multifaceted jobs like pharmaceutical industries, government jobs, teaching and research, developing own entrepreneurships etc.

Program Outcomes:

Bachelor of Science:

PO 1. The B. Sc. Programme develops scientific temperament and attitude among the science graduates.

PO 2. The qualities of a science – observation, precision, analytical mind, logical thinking, clarity of thought and expression, systematic approach, qualitative and quantitative decision making are enlarged.

PO 3. The program also empowers the graduates to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate programme of their choice .

PO 4. This programme train the learners to extract information, formulate and solve problems in a systematic and logical manner.

PO 5. This programme enables the learners to perform the jobs in diverse fields such as science, engineering, industries, survey, education, banking, development-planning, business, public service, self business etc. efficiently.



Program Specific Outcomes

1. Understanding about cultivating the pure bacterial cultures from soil, water, air, milk, etc.

2 Ability to use laboratory instruments like spectrophotometer, colorimeter, LAF, PH meter, Electrophoresis, Compound microscope, Centrifuge.

3 Preparing for a career in a pharmacy and medical related business or industries.

4 Ability to plan the small-to-mid-size laboratories and industries of their own.

5 Effectively utilizing the knowledge of microorganisms to develop sustainable solutions to current and future environmental problems.

6 Developing and implementing solution based systems and/or processes that address issues and/or improve existing systems within in a microorganism based industries.


Course Outcomes

B. Sc. I Fundamentals of Microbiology & Microbial Physiology (Paper I)

1. Awareness about basics of microbiology.

2. Introduction to different techniques.

3. Realization of scope of microbiology.


B.Sc I Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biostatistics and computer:

1. Mechanism to handle microscope.

2. Making a contamination free laboratory.

3. Getting the idea about control of Microorganisms.

4. Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid Sythesis

4. Brief ideas about staining techniques

5. Introduction to Biostatistics and Computer technology


B.Sc I Introduction of Medical Microbiology, Microbial Techniques and Bioinstrumentation:

1. Studying basic knowledge of pathogens, diseases and their control.

2. Knowledge about different techniques used for microorganisms isolation is

inculcated among students.

3. Instrumental knowledge and their use along with awareness to equipments is



B.Sc II Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering  (Paper III)

1. Ability to apply the knowledge in Genetics ,Genetic engineering &


2. Acceptance of the challenges in genetic.

3. Knowledge of microbial techniques.

4. Knowledge of bacterial genome replication.

5. Knowledge of creating and recombinant bacteria.

6. Idea to Design the genetically modified organisms

7. Demonstrating and educating different streams in microbiology.

8. Understanding methods and tools to design, implement knowledge in today’s world issues.

9.Knowledge of basics in microbial biochemistry.

10. Knowledge about application of enzymes, proteins in industries and pharmaceuticals.

11.Understanding the depth of molecular microbiology.

12. Developing awareness for understanding of ongoing issues.


B. Sc I Medical Microbiology (Paper IV):

1. Knowledge of the underlying principal of immunology and its application in solving problems in biology systems.

2. Dealing with clinical and emerging areas in immunology such as immune mechanisms that protect against pathogens and the implication for vaccine development and global health.


B. Sc III Environmental Microbiology & Bioinstrumentation: (Paper V)

1. Knowledge of environmental factors and pollution issues.

2. Recognize the polluted water and treatment using proper methods.

3. Awareness for hygienic practices.

4. Biointrumentation: Knowledge of various instruments for applicability


B. Sc III Industrial Microbiology:

1. Getting knowledge related to foodstuffs and contamination of food products.

2. Understanding industrial use of microorganisms.

3. Learning different topics of food poisoning, toxication and develop probiotics.

4.Educating concepts and techniques currently used in the area of Industrial Microbiology.

5. Getting known with industrial methodology

6. Understanding classification of industrial products and their use.

7. Brief idea about statistical analysis of data.

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