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Dharmveer Diliprao Rahate Shikshan Va Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Mehkar's
Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana
(Formerly known as Arts and Science Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mehkar, Dist. Buldhana)
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra
(Re-accredited by NAAC in 2023 and Awarded Grade B+ with CGPA 2.68)

Criteria Wise Essential Uploads 2024-2025

Criteria Wise Essential Uploads

Criteria- I

1.1.1     Effective curriculum delivery process

1.1.2     Adherence to the academic calendar

1.4.2     Feedback process of the Institution

Criteria- II

2.3.1-Student centric methods

2.3.2-ICT Links

2.5.1-Internal examination

2.5.2 Mechanism of internal assessment.

2.6.1-Program Outcomes 

2.6.3-Pass percentage of students

2.7.1-Student Satisfaction Survey

Criteria- III

3.2 Number of Sanctioned Post​

3.2.1 Number of papers published

3.3.1  Extension activities

Criteria- IV

4.1.1 Infrastructure facility

4.1.1 College photos -2023-24

4.1.2 cultural, sports, games

4.1.3 percentage of classroom

4.2.1 Library automated using ILMS

4.3.1 IT Update

4.4.2 Established system

Criteria- V

5.1.1     No. of Students Benefited by Scholarship

5.1.3     Capacity Building and Skill enhancement

5.1.4     Competitive Exam and Career Counselling

5.4.1     Alumni Registration and Meeting

Criteria- VI

6.1.1     vision and mission of the Institution

6.1.2     The effective leadership practices

6.2.1     The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed

6.2.2     The functioning of the institutional bodies

6.2.3     Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

6.3.1     The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching Staff Number of teachers undergoing FDP

6.3.5     Institutions Performance Appraisal System

6.4.1     Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly.

6.4.3     Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds

6.5.1     Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) contribution

6.5.2     The institutions reviews of teaching learning process

6.5.3     Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include

Criteria- VII

7.1.1 Specific facilities provide for women (Geo tag photo)

7.1.3 Geo tagged photographs of the facilities

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